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Bryan Kocis' Grave SitesMonday, November 21, 2011 5:02 PM


You know, it's not easy nor is it cheap to maintain the upkeep on the TWO Grave Sites necessary because of the brutal decapitation / flambeeing of Luzerne County's Beloved Gay Pornographer / Child Molester Bryan Kocis.

While Bryan Kocis' two grave sites are being maintained by The Luzerne County Racketeers Club, the non-profit organization is asking for your help is covering the cost of maintaining Bryan Kocis' two graves and the eternal flame (not pictured) on the sites.

Please send any donations you may want to contribute to:

The Luzerne County Racketeers Club

c/o Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella

The Luzerne County Courthouse, Luzerne County, PA.

Categories: Bryan Kocis Businessman, Luzerne County Scandal

Bryan Kocis Famous Last WordsSunday, November 20, 2011 8:07 PM


There are a lot of rumors about Bryan Kocis' Murder. However, there is one "controversy" that I can clear up. Bryan Kocis' Last Words were in fact:

"Does This Mean We're Not Gonna Have Sex?"

Categories: Bryan Kocis Businessman, Harlow Cuadra Suspect

Luzerne County DA Jackie Musto Carroll Ousted!Sunday, November 20, 2011 6:39 PM

So far, no one has managed to ride Harlow Cuadra's conviction to fame and fortune. Now that Luzerne County Assistant DA Michael Melnick, the prosecutor in Harlow Cuadra's murder trial, is likely to be out of a job soon, maybe he will write a trial book too. I'm sure it never occurred to Melnick that the people of Luzerne County would be more concerned about The Kids for Cash Scandal than who chopped off the local gay pornographer's head (i.e., who chopped off Bryan Kocis' head.

So far, just about everybody in any way connected with enabling Bryan Kocis and prosecuting Harlow Cuadra has either gone to jail or been removed from public office.

1. Former President Judges Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella made early rulings in the prosecutions of Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes and both Conahan and Ciavarella are going to jail under racketeering charges.

2. Former Judge Peter Paul Olszewski presided over Harlow Cuadra's trial and was later ousted by voters when a photo of him pal-ing around with Conahan and a convicted drug dealer surfaced. And now,

3. Jackie Musto Carroll. that joke of a District Attorney for Luzerne County, has lost her bid at re-election.

We Didn't Know - Jackie Musto Carroll

Jackie Musto Carroll's DA Office's official response to the Kids for Cash Scandal in Luzerne County was that they didn't know. Prosecutors prosecuting kids before judges who almost literally sent every kid before them to jail some how DID'NT KNOW that the judges were crooked.

As we've said many times here on The Bitchless Blog, if you were the District Attorney for Luzerne County and you some how didn't know that Judges Conahan and Ciavarella were crooked, you're too fucking stupid to be a DA.

And, keep this little tidbit in mind ... Jackie Musto Carroll made a habit of bragging about her conviction rate, her conviction rate in prosecuting people before Judges who were acting as a racketeering enterprise. I wouldn't be surprised if Musto Carroll bragged about her conviction rate during her failed re-election campaign.

Categories: Luzerne County Scandal

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